Peck Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest
Peck Genealogy & History
Peck is an English surname, used to refer to people who often weighed or measured goods, as merchants or as officials ensuring that everyone's pound and bushel was equal. Peck itself is a largely archaic, and large, unit of measure, being eight quarters, each of which weighed twenty-eight pounds. It may also have come from the Old English peac, meaning a point and indicating someone living near a pointed hill. Lastly, there is the Peak District of Derbyshire, which may have contributed a locational surname. Peck family history starts with Richard Pecke, noted in the Pipe Rolls of Hampshire in 1187. Peck genealogy includes many famous person, like famed actor Gregory Peck, late 19th century Michigan Governor George Peck, and Confederate General William Peck.
Peck Birth Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
A Frederic Peck | -- --, 1922 | January 13,2008 | MA |
Ballard Peck | -- --, 1899 | September ,1972 | WV |
Calla Peck | -- --, 1905 | August 27,1999 | WA |
Daisy Peck | -- --, 1902 | April 3,2003 | KY |
Peck Death Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
E Dean Peck | -- --, 1917 | August 13,2003 | Wichita,KS |
Fahy Peck | -- --, 1896 | August ,1978 | Springfield,MO |
G Ellis Peck | -- --, 1917 | June ,1982 | North Hollywood,CA |
H James Peck | -- --, 1923 | April ,1986 | Buffalo,NY |
Peck Marriage Records
Name | Spouse | Marriage Date | Location |
David Peck | Deborah Daniels | June 11,1971 | Wake, NC |
Lewis Peck | Sara Bost | October 7,1950 | Wake, NC |
Joseph Peck | Betty Jeffries | December 10,1965 | Wake, NC |
Stephen Peck | Sherri-Lynn Decker | March 20,2004 | Wake, NC |
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