Petersen Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Petersen Genealogy & History

The surname Petersen is found primarily in northwest European countries such as Finland, Denmark, Holland, Germany, Belgium, and Denmark. It is derived from the Greek "petros", a rock, and refers to St. Peter, founder of the Christian Church. Petersen genealogy shows that the name was brought to England by soldiers returning from the Crusades. The Petersen coat of arms shows the upper half of a stag leaping from the middle of a blue shield, above a silver cross. One of the first known recordings of this name in Petersen family history was made in Prussia about 1680.

Petersen Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A Arnold Petersen-- --, 1917January 1,2002MI
B Ruth Petersen-- --, 1916April 22,2006WI
C Allen Petersen-- --, 1924September 17,2001NY
Dagmar Petersen-- --, 1898February ,1987ME

Petersen Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Arlene Petersen-- --, 1926January 29,1999Portland,OR
Fae Petersen-- --, 1911December 23,2009Midvale,UT
Gabrielle Petersen-- --, 1905April ,1980Zephyrhills,FL
H Marian Petersen-- --, 1912April 1,1988Salt Lake City,UT

Petersen Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Gregory PetersenStacy SeebergerMay 28,2000Harris, TX
Lionel PetersenMarion BrooksNovember 12,1957Wake, NC
Mark PetersenKatherine GoodrichJune 13,1989Wake, NC
Steven PetersenJessica HerreraMarch 16,2002Denton, TX

Most Common Surnames After Petersen

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