Pfeiffer Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Pfeiffer Genealogy & History

Pfeiffer is derived from the German word pfeife, meaning whistle, from the Latin pipa (a pipe). Someone of this name would have been a piper. The family crest is a pair of green wings with a golden rose between them. Some of the different spellings include Peifer, Feifer, Pfeyfer, Pfeifer and Pieper. Pfeiffer family history says that the first known recording of the name is in 1296 of Johannes Pipere in the city charters of Bremen, Germany. Some of the members of Pfeiffer genealogy include biochemist Ehrenfried Pfeiffer; orthomolecular psychiatry founder Carl Curt Pfeiffer; and traveler and travel book author Ida Laura Pfeiffer.

Pfeiffer Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A Eleanor Pfeiffer-- --, 1901September ,1982MA
Babette Pfeiffer-- --, 1910December 7,2008NJ
C Edwin Pfeiffer-- --, 1931April 9,1995PA
D Maxine Pfeiffer-- --, 1920March ,1995KS

Pfeiffer Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Noel Pfeiffer-- --, 1927April 20,2002Saint Louis,MO
F Robert Pfeiffer-- --, 1913March 24,1996Port Richey,FL
Gabriel Pfeiffer-- --, 1926June 16,2000West Palm Beach,FL
H George Pfeiffer-- --, 1925April 30,2002Dayton,OH

Pfeiffer Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Brent PfeifferHollie HugenbergJanuary 15,2000Harris, TX
Dagobert PfeifferNancy SmithJune 5,1948Wake, NC
Edward PfeifferJane PontoNovember 18,2000Bexar, TX
Fred PfeifferMelynda PostonApril 18,1997Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Pfeiffer

1850th: De Luca1851st: Burkhart
1852nd: Ring1853rd: Hough
1854th: Leary1855th: Craven
1856th: Staples1857th: Hare
1858th: Hillman1859th: Whiting

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