Phelps Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Phelps Genealogy & History

Phelps is Greek in origin and is found in over a hundred forms, including Phelps, Phellps, Phelpes, Phelphes, Phillipus, and Pherps. It comes from the Greek "philein", meaning to love, and "hippos", meaning horse, and so meaning a lover of horses. Phelps family history includes five kings of France, the first being Philip I (1052-1108). Notable in Phelps genealogy are Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps; Church of Latter Day Saints hymn writer William Wines Phelps; father and son ornithologists William Henry Phelps and William H. Phelps, Jr.; and railroad baron, financier, and founder of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad, John Jay Phelps.

Phelps Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A Marie Phelps-- --, 1920June 6,2002NC
B Arlene Phelps-- --, 1926July 12,2010MI
C Allan Phelps-- --, 1926January ,1977PA
Daisy Phelps-- --, 1923July 16,2002MA

Phelps Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Calvin Phelps-- --, 1926November 16,2002Lynchburg,VA
F Bailey Phelps-- --, 1916October 14,1999Gaithersburg,MD
G Ray Phelps-- --, 1926December ,1986Anadarko,OK
H Edward Phelps-- --, 1929July 27,2005Indianapolis,IN

Phelps Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
David PhelpsJudy AllenOctober 4,1980Wake, NC
Frederick PhelpsCarole KnightNovember 23,1974Wake, NC
John PhelpsLila NordenApril 24,1933Wake, NC
Roy PhelpsDorothy FerrellOctober 29,1935Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Phelps

497th: Cameron498th: Bruce
499th: Randall500th: Hood
501st: Levine502nd: Walter
503rd: Marks504th: Poole
505th: Allison506th: Atkinson

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