Pierson Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

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Pierson Genealogy & History

Pierson is an aristocratic surname of medieval English. It is from the given name of Piers, which was the usual form of the first name Peter, from Old French "Pierre" after the Norman Conquest of 1066. The Latin form is "Petrus", originally from Greek "petros", meaning rock. Peter became popular because it was a name picked by Christ and given to Simon. Pierson family history has Richard Peresone as the first recorded member in 1327. Interesting members of the Pierson genealogy are: vocalist Catherine Elizabeth "Kate" Pierson; independent filmmaker John Pierson; comedian, author and actor DC Pierson; and NFL offensive tackle Peter Samuel Pierson.

Pierson Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A Maureta Pierson-- --, 1921April 8,2010NE
Babette Pierson-- --, 1925May 1,1997FL
C Ward Pierson-- --, 1916February 24,1996MI
D Ray Pierson-- --, 1927September 2,1989AR

Pierson Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Earl Pierson-- --, 1905July 14,1994Ormond Beach,FL
Fairbanks Pierson-- --, 1916January ,1971Highland Park,NJ
G Richard Pierson-- --, 1932March 31,2005Richmond,VA
H Arlene Pierson-- --, 1924May 27,1997Salem,OR

Pierson Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
George PiersonShirley DukeAugust 8,1956Wake, NC
Stuart PiersonCarole StephensonJune 4,1966Wake, NC
Micheal PiersonKelly PodolakDecember 16,2001Wake, NC
William PiersonSarah DavenportMarch 17,2000Cherokee, TX

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