Pitts Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest
Pitts Genealogy & History
Pitts is an Old English patronymic that comes from the pre-7th-century word "pytt", a hollow, a pit, or any low-lying area that was like a hollow. The name was given to someone who lived near one of these. Variations include Pyts, Pitson, Pitte, Pett, and Puetter. The family motto is "free through difficulties". Pitts family history has the first known record of the name as Geruase de la Puette in the Pipe Rolls of Sussex of 1182. Pitts genealogy American suffragette Helen Pitts, aerobatic biplane designer Curtis Pitts, White House barber Milton Pitts, and actress ZaSu Pitts.
Pitts Birth Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
A Jack Pitts | -- --, 1930 | March 2,2001 | IL |
B Randolph Pitts | -- --, 1919 | January 1,2000 | MO |
C Edward Pitts | -- --, 1915 | August 20,2005 | AL |
Dafferneez Pitts | -- --, 1922 | September 4,1989 | GA |
Pitts Death Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
E Juanita Pitts | -- --, 1924 | October 31,2004 | Kingwood,TX |
Fabiola Pitts | -- --, 1906 | March ,1973 | Katy,TX |
Gail Pitts | -- --, 1955 | June 11,1996 | West Palm Beach,FL |
H Douglas Pitts | -- --, 1926 | May 20,2000 | Henrico,VA |
Pitts Marriage Records
Name | Spouse | Marriage Date | Location |
Dennis Pitts | Marcia Powell | February 24,1979 | Wake, NC |
Herman Pitts | Christina Judkins | December 10,1943 | Wake, NC |
John Pitts | Dorothy Brooks | May 30,1961 | Wake, NC |
Larry Pitts | Lois Whitman | October 16,1971 | Wake, NC |
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