Pollard Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Pollard Genealogy & History

Pollard has two feasible origins. It may be from Middle English "poll", meaning "the head", and "ard", denoting "big". The term pollard indicating a dehorned animal was not in use until the 1600s. The more likely origin is from "Paul" with "hard", meaning brave and strong. Some other spellings are Pollarde, Poullard, and Pawlarde. Pollard family history includes Sir Hugh Pollard, governor of Guernsey and comptroller of Charles II's household in 1666. Interesting members of Pollard genealogy are linguist Carl Pollard; atomic physicist and biophysicist Ernest C. Pollard; first postmaster of Ashland, Kentucky, H. B. Pollard; and Sam Pollard, the inventor of the "Pollard script".

Pollard Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Aaron Pollard-- --, 1913December 5,1989NC
Babbara Pollard-- --, 1934September 15,1999MA
C Edward Pollard-- --, 1929January 7,1994NC
D Ray Pollard-- --, 1952September 26,1994TX

Pollard Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Ealer Pollard-- --, 1917December 16,1992Cleveland,OH
Faith Pollard-- --, 1906February 14,2006Marcellus,NY
G Herman Pollard-- --, 1913August ,1980Skowhegan,ME
H Alan Pollard-- --, 1947March ,1986Durham,NC

Pollard Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Bernice PollardSally RussellDecember 10,1966Wake, NC
Calvin PollardMcclenda JonesAugust 28,1943Wake, NC
Dulon PollardPhyllis MovadithJune 18,1960Wake, NC
Furman PollardMary DeanDecember 22,1946Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Pollard

904th: Doherty905th: Travis
906th: Haines907th: Lake
908th: Fulton909th: Cooley
910th: Kern911th: Helms
912th: Holder913th: Tracy

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