Pollock Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Pollock Genealogy & History

Pollock is a locational surname from the village of Pollock in Strathclyde. The village is named from the Gaelic poll, meaning pool or pit; it may also come from Jewish tradition as a name for someone from Poland. Pollock family history begins with Peter de Pollok, noted as a charter witness for the King at the Abbey of Kinlos, Moray, in 1172 or so. Pollock genealogy is storied and includes many noteworthy individuals, such as abstract expressionist artist Jackson Pollock, British Admiral of the Fleet Michael Pollock, and former Pennsylvania Governor and Mint Director James Pollock.

Pollock Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A Clark Pollock-- --, 1917October 30,2002PA
Barbara Pollock-- --, 1931December 4,2003VT
Calvin Pollock-- --, 1920February 2,2002CA
Daisie Pollock-- --, 1898December ,1977DC

Pollock Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E David Pollock-- --, 1925February 27,2002Cheltenham,PA
Faison Pollock-- --, 1922January ,1969Wilson,NC
Gabriel Pollock-- --, 1903September 26,1996Fort Lauderdale,FL
H Carlyle Pollock-- --, 1921February 15,2006Sedalia,CO

Pollock Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Aaron PollockCarolina WolfNovember 23,2002Wake, NC
Benjamin PollockJae WhitleyOctober 24,1981Wake, NC
Charles PollockJennifer MedlinSeptember 29,1990Wake, NC
Franklin PollockBarbara PleasantsApril 21,1962Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Pollock

1114th: Coffman1115th: Goss
1116th: Beatty1117th: McManus
1118th: Dillard1119th: Bruno
1120th: Horner1121st: Egan
1122nd: Koenig1123rd: Dahl

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