Pritchard Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Pritchard Genealogy & History

The Pritchard family history records the surname as being of Cornish and Welsh origin. It is an anglicization of the name Ap Richard (son of Richard). Richard derives from the Old German ric (power) + hard (hardy, brave, strong.) The surname is well-recorded in Shropshire church registers from the late 16th century. Charles Pritchard settled in Virginia in 1663, and Thomas Pritchard settled in New England in 1679. Notable members in Pritchard genealogy include Sir William Pritchard, Lord Mayor of London in 1682; Michael Pritchard, an American musician; and Ron Pritchard, a former linebacker with the Houston Oilers and Cincinnati Bengals.

Pritchard Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Aaron Pritchard-- --, 1949August 5,1997NY
B Jean Pritchard-- --, 1920April 7,2005PA
C Albert Pritchard-- --, 1915May 22,2006MA
D Garnet Pritchard-- --, 1928April 23,2002WV

Pritchard Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Jean Pritchard-- --, 1928October 17,2007Mentone,IN
Faavafua Pritchard-- --, 1928May 20,2002San Jose,CA
G Porter Pritchard-- --, 1926November 5,2002Asheboro,NC
H Jeff Pritchard-- --, 1921November 6,2004Dallas,TX

Pritchard Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Charles PritchardLillie WellonsMarch 14,1931Wake, NC
David PritchardWinnie TomberlinJanuary 16,1952Wake, NC
Ewan PritchardLora NeelMay 29,1999Wake, NC
Frederick PritchardHazel MurphySeptember 18,1945Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Pritchard

1149th: McClellan1150th: Neff
1151st: Ludwig1152nd: Meeks
1153rd: O'Leary1154th: Navarro
1155th: Hollis1156th: Corbin
1157th: Guy1158th: Garland

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