Ring Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Ring Genealogy & History

Ring is an English surname from the Old English hring, meaning ring. However, it may also come from the Old High German hring and Old Norse hringr, having the same meaning, so it could come from Scandinavia or Germany. It was mostly an occupational surname for people who made rings, either for jewelry or armor. Ring family history begins in 1207, when Eilwinus Ring was noted in the Chartulary Rolls of Norfolk. Ring genealogy includes widely-traveled relief pitcher Royce Ring, actor John Ring, Canadian mixed martial artist Nick Ring, and Irish Minister of State for Tourism and Development Michael Ring.

Ring Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Aaron Ring-- --, 1904August ,1983NY
B Jean Ring-- --, 1918May ,1987CA
C Terence Ring-- --, 1920October 31,2001CA
Dagny Ring-- --, 1916August ,1987NY

Ring Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Earl Ring-- --, 1901September 2,1993New Matamoras,OH
Fannie Ring-- --, 1915December 2,2008Philadelphia,PA
Gabriel Ring-- --, 1924February ,1980Columbus,GA
H Grady Ring-- --, 1924September ,1991Franklin,TN

Ring Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Andrew RingKellee GriffinJune 10,2006Wake, NC
Carlyle RingJane LeeSeptember 10,1955Wake, NC
George RingHelen VelsmidSeptember 30,1983Wake, NC
Mark RingTeresa WilliamsSeptember 10,1977Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Ring

1853rd: Hough1854th: Leary
1855th: Craven1856th: Staples
1857th: Hare1858th: Hillman
1859th: Whiting1860th: Donohue
1861st: Purvis1862nd: Cheek

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