Roberson Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest
Roberson Genealogy & History
Roberson is a Scottish surname that originated with descendents of the ancient Pictish clans. This surname is derived from the given name Robert, which comes from the Old German words "hroth", which means fame, and "berht", which means bright. It later also became the Old French Rodbert and was introduced into England during the Norman Invasion of 1066. Roberson family history shows that this name is also found in Ireland and the United States, particularly in Wyoming. Roberson genealogy includes alternate spellings of Robson, Robeson, and Robyson. The Roberson family motto is "Justu esto et non metue," which means "Be just and fear not."
Roberson Birth Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
A D Roberson | -- --, 1927 | March 20,2001 | LA |
Babe Ruth Roberson | -- --, 1927 | March 1,2009 | TN |
C Geraldin Roberson | -- --, 1929 | December ,1980 | DC |
D Susan Roberson | -- --, 1924 | September ,1998 | MA |
Roberson Death Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
E Jerry G Roberson | -- --, 1920 | March 19,1991 | Toledo,OR |
F Pauline Roberson | -- --, 1931 | November 3,2006 | Cookeville,TN |
Gabe Roberson | -- --, 1904 | May ,1993 | Williamston,NC |
Hazel Roberson | -- --, 1951 | February 15,2010 | Cincinnati,OH |
Roberson Marriage Records
Name | Spouse | Marriage Date | Location |
Bob Roberson | Annie Briggs | May 1,1954 | Wake, NC |
Coy Roberson | Helen Sumner | October 24,1935 | Wake, NC |
Daniel Roberson | Sandra Kearney | June 17,1967 | Wake, NC |
Elton Roberson | Patricia Griswold | July 8,1995 | Wake, NC |
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