Rodriguez Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

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Rodriguez Genealogy & History

Rodriguez is a Spanish surname, but there is also a Welsh origin. That comes from the Old Gaelic-Breton rhyd-derch, meaning famous chief, though later it also meant "the red-haired one". The Spanish origin is originally Germanic, from hrod, which means renown, and ric, for power, which is a bit like the Gaelic name. In any case, Rodriguez family history begins with Henrich Rodigerus, entered in the charters of Lubeck in 1260. Rodriguez genealogy shows many distinguished individuals, such as former Bolivian President Eduardo Rodriguez, Portuguese Admiral Am'rico de Deus Rodrigues Thomaz, and Olympic skater Jennifer Rodriguez.

Rodriguez Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A Gilbert Rodriguez-- --, 1928August 22,2001NM
B J Rodriguez-- --, 1956July 30,2008CA
Cacildo Rodriguez-- --, 1917August ,1987PR
Dabeiba Rodriguez-- --, 1938August 11,2001NY

Rodriguez Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Edwin Rodriguez-- --, 1950September 28,1994Clay,NY
Fabian Rodriguez-- --, 1948November 19,2002Bronx,NY
Genobebo Rodriguez-- --, 1915July 8,2010Eagle Lake,TX
Herminio Rodriguez-- --, 1930September 1,1986San Sebastian,PR

Rodriguez Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
William RodriguezPetra GonzalezJune 26,1967Wake, NC
Miguel RodriguezJoann SteppMay 5,1970Wake, NC
Gonzalo RodriguezKarren BrownFebruary 23,2002Wake, NC
Francisco RodriguezMarie RodriguezApril 13,1997Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Rodriguez

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65th: Gray66th: Hughes

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