Rosenthal Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Rosenthal Genealogy & History

Rosenthal is one of the first and oldest German names on record. It means one who lives by a field of roses, yet this may not have been the case. In the early 13th century, Germans were apt to make up a pretty name that had no relationship to the area if having a surname was necessary. There are many alternate spellings, such as Rosenfelder, Rosegren, and Rosengart. Rosenthal family history has the first recording of the name with Conrad Rosenfeld in the Rolls of Freiburg in 1209. Noteworthy Rosenthal genealogy members are violinist Paul Rosenthal, Chicago Tribune Columnist Phil Rosenthal, and Maidenform co-founder Ida Rosenthal.

Rosenthal Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A Michele Rosenthal-- --, 1946March 14,1996UT
Balbina Rosenthal-- --, 1895August 28,1994NE
Calvin Rosenthal-- --, 1928April ,1990MD
Dagmar Rosenthal-- --, 1914August 2,2001NY

Rosenthal Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Leroy Rosenthal-- --, 1922October 3,2003Fresno,CA
Faith Rosenthal-- --, 1926April 22,1997Middletown,CT
Gabriel Rosenthal-- --, 1919December 2,1989Fort Lauderdale,FL
H James Rosenthal-- --, 1925March 29,2004Wynnewood,PA

Rosenthal Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Alan RosenthalKristen OliviaNovember 13,2004Jefferson, TX
Bryce RosenthalStephanie SchutleSeptember 25,2002Tom Green, TX
David RosenthalMay McwilliamsDecember 8,2001Harris, TX
Fritz RosenthalDebra PlumbleeJuly 1,2006Tom Green, TX

Most Common Surnames After Rosenthal

1197th: Nicholas1198th: Elkins
1199th: Rouse1200th: Metcalf
1201st: Weston1202nd: Herbert
1203rd: Christopher1204th: Pryor
1205th: Regan1206th: Link

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