Rowe Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

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Rowe Genealogy & History

Rowe is an English surname with two main origins. First, as a topographical name, it described someone living near a hedgerow or a row of houses, from the Old English raw, meaning row. Second, it comes from Rou or Roul, which descended from the Old German name Rolf or Rowland; the former means renowned wolf, and the latter renowned land. Rowe family history begins with Geoffrey le Ruwe, noted in the Pipe Rolls of Leicestershire. Rowe genealogy includes some notable people, like TV host Mike Rowe, Detroit Tigers and Phillies pitcher Lynwood Rowe, and award-winning guitarist and violinist Hahn Rowe.

Rowe Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A Floyd Rowe-- --, 1927June 7,2003NC
Baby Rowe-- --, 1937August 14,2008NY
C Donald Rowe-- --, 1917August 5,2004GA
Dahlia Rowe-- --, 1900May ,1983NC

Rowe Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Jewel Rowe-- --, 1919September 27,2006Andalusia,AL
F Jere Rowe-- --, 1920May 22,1997San Pedro,CA
G Mary Rowe-- --, 1919September 2,1999Lynchburg,VA
H Clair Rowe-- --, 1916November 22,2006Newaygo,MI

Rowe Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Colon RoweLouise BrewerJune 20,1933Wake, NC
Donald RoweLorraine BaileyOctober 3,1942Wake, NC
George RoweEmma DarraughApril 7,1964Wake, NC
Rulax RoweMaggie BassNovember 10,1945Wake, NC

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