Russ Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Russ Genealogy & History

Russ is a general European surname, from the old Germanic rous, meaning red. There are many spelling variations all over the continent, and Russ in particular is more common in England, and thus its colonies as well, eventually. It may have been used by the Norman invaders for the natives, since red hair was a more prominent feature in the British Isles than Normandy. Russ family history starts in 1225, when Wilkin Rous was recorded as a witness at the Assize Court of Lancashire. Russ genealogy includes Ruston founder Robert Russ and actor and director Tim Russ.

Russ Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Aaron Russ-- --, 1913August 18,2001VA
B Juanita Russ-- --, 1924January 20,2000PA
Cabrina Russ-- --, 1949November 9,2006LA
D Nelson Russ-- --, 1917February 12,1999NJ

Russ Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Cynthia Russ-- --, 1911August 14,2001Valley Village,CA
Fannie Russ-- --, 1890May ,1979Baton Rouge,LA
G Joanne Russ-- --, 1931February 4,2009Sacramento,CA
Hagar Russ-- --, 1916November 14,1997Council,NC

Russ Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Brett RussSonia VarnadoeNovember 25,1988Wake, NC
Charles RussBrenda AllisonNovember 29,2002Hutchinson, TX
David RussJanice HoltSeptember 16,2000Wake, NC
John RussMary DavisJune 30,1934Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Russ

2139th: Early2140th: Joiner
2141st: Kilpatrick2142nd: Whipple
2143rd: Houck2144th: Herrick
2145th: Cooney2146th: Mora
2147th: Rosales2148th: Macias

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