Sanchez Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Sanchez Genealogy & History
Sanchez is a Spanish and Portuguese name, also spelled Sancho, Sans, and Sanzio in Italy. It comes from the Latin sanctus, meaning pure, holy, and eventually saintly, which made it quite popular both as a personal name and as a family name. Sanchez family history begins with Alonso Sanchez de Copeda, serving as a witness in Alicante, Spain, in 1509. Sanchez genealogy counts in its ranks several illustrious people, like California Representatives Linda and Loretta Sanchez (no relation), actress Pen�lope Cruz S�nchez (who generally does not use S�nchez, her mother's last name), American General Ricardo Sanchez, and Nobel laureate in peace and former Costa Rica President Oscar Arias Sanchez.
Sanchez Birth Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
Adelico Sanchez | -- --, 1957 | December 14,1988 | NY |
Bacilia Sanchez | -- --, 1885 | June ,1971 | TX |
Caaarmen Sanchez | -- --, 1942 | July 28,2006 | TX |
Dagoberto Sanchez | -- --, 1961 | December ,1990 | NY |
Sanchez Death Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
E Luterio Sanchez | -- --, 1923 | April 15,2005 | El Paso,TX |
Fabia Sanchez | -- --, 1936 | May 3,2007 | Paterson,NJ |
G Adrienne Sanchez | -- --, 1920 | May 27,2001 | Fairfax,VA |
Hagler Sanchez | -- --, 1915 | July ,1981 | Baton Rouge,LA |
Sanchez Marriage Records
Name | Spouse | Marriage Date | Location |
Jorge Sanchez | Maria Rivera | November 16,1996 | Wake, NC |
Gregorio Sanchez | Esperanza Rivera | January 12,1997 | Wake, NC |
Fernando Sanchez | Carletta Crawford | July 3,1981 | Wake, NC |
Eugenio Sanchez | Janet Huband | December 22,1984 | Wake, NC |
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