Sapp Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Sapp Genealogy & History

Sapp is an occupational name thought to be derived from the pre-fifth-century German word sache, denoting legal action; thus it is a name for lawyers. In England, it is derived from the Sabines who migrated there and who favored naming their children after saints named Sabine and Sabinus. Some of the many spellings are Sapell, Seppell, Zipfell, Sippell, Sapper, Zpper, Zippe, Sabbe, Sabyn, and Sabine. Sapp family history has the earliest known recording of the name as Roger Saepere in 1243 in Durham, England. Some members of Sapp genealogy include mixed martial artist and kick boxer Bob Sapp, linguist Christopher D. Sapp, and Cree painter Allen Sapp.

Sapp Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Aaron Sapp-- --, 1916November ,1987VA
B Marie Sapp-- --, 1925June 23,1997NC
C Juanita Sapp-- --, 1930March 31,2007AL
D Hugh Sapp-- --, 1931October 13,2001GA

Sapp Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Ealton Sapp-- --, 1932April ,1984Miami,FL
Fannie Sapp-- --, 1918June ,1986Baltimore,MD
Gannon Sapp-- --, 1925June 16,2000Arab,AL
Hallene Sapp-- --, 1922March 23,2000Hartsburg,MO

Sapp Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Baxter SappElsie MaconApril 25,1959Wake, NC
Charles SappFaye VaughanSeptember 20,1940Wake, NC
Dennis SappLinda LloydOctober 7,1978Wake, NC
George SappCrystal TweedNovember 1,1996Wichita, TX

Most Common Surnames After Sapp

1636th: Michel1637th: Conroy
1638th: Burkett1639th: Schilling
1640th: Goins1641st: Rushing
1642nd: Major1643rd: Light
1644th: Chin1645th: Spivey

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