Schaffer Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Schaffer Genealogy & History

First found in Hesse, Germany, Schaffer is from early medieval times. The Schaffer surname became known for its nameholders' influence in economic and political areas. Some of its many spellings are Schaefer, Schaefers, Schefer, and Schaeffers. Schaffer family history notes that Johann Georg Schaffer moved to Philadelphia in 1744, followed by Jacob Schaffer in 1752 and George Schaffer in 1761. Noteworthy Schaffer genealogy members are comedian Lewis Schaffer, philosopher Jonathan Schaffer, comedy writer and songwriter Akiva Schaffer, radio talk-show host Denny Schaffer, wireless microphone inventor Ken Schaffer, three-term Colorado Representative Bob Schaffer, and Swedish songwriter and guitarist Jan Erik Tage Schaffer.

Schaffer Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Abe Schaffer-- --, 1904October ,1972NY
Bailey Schaffer-- --, 1887July ,1969MO
C Elmer Schaffer-- --, 1914January ,1980OH
Daisy Schaffer-- --, 1922March ,1995PA

Schaffer Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Earl Schaffer-- --, 1902June ,1982Bethlehem,PA
F Odette Schaffer-- --, 1918April 19,2010Columbia,MO
G Winifred Schaffer-- --, 1912April 28,2010Franklin,PA
Hannah Schaffer-- --, 1916December 25,1990Far Rockaway,NY

Schaffer Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Adam SchafferNatalie BondNovember 14,2003Harris, TX
Dale SchafferRobyn SmithJanuary 1,2000Wake, NC
Edward SchafferKimberly CarbonneauMarch 24,2003Bell, TX
Jerry SchafferPatricia GorhamJuly 29,1968Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Schaffer

1349th: Covington1350th: Peacock
1351st: Miner1352nd: Avila
1353rd: Connors1354th: Ernst
1355th: Milligan1356th: Washburn
1357th: Colvin1358th: Billings

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