Schell Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Schell Genealogy & History

Schell is a German surname from the Middle High German schel, meaning noisy or loud. Thus it was used as a nickname for someone who was particularly vocal or irritating, or possibly the opposite, given the well-documented medieval sense of humor. Schell family history comes to the New World in 1709, when Johan Willem Schell sailed to New York. Schell genealogy includes several notable individuals, such as sculptor and concept artist Jordu Schell, journalist Orville Schell, and radio talk show host Desiree Schell.

Schell Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A Dayton Schell-- --, 1920October 12,2004MD
Balbina Schell-- --, 1904January ,1967WI
Calhoun Schell-- --, 1892September ,1968GA
Daisy Schell-- --, 1906January 21,1997MD

Schell Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Haskell Schell-- --, 1921June 16,1991Nobleboro,ME
Faith Schell-- --, 1912April 21,1998Houston,TX
Gale Schell-- --, 1911November 15,1987Parkersburg,WV
H Leroy Schell-- --, 1912July 22,1998Shoemakersville,PA

Schell Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Anthony SchellAna ArmentaSeptember 23,2000Dallas, TX
Charles SchellJeannie SloanMarch 10,2001Tarrant, TX
Donald SchellAnn GoogeMay 26,2001Tom Green, TX
Frank SchellRobin WeaverAugust 20,2001Shelby, TX

Most Common Surnames After Schell

2155th: Callaway2156th: Shelley
2157th: Stump2158th: Eller
2159th: Rinehart2160th: Chastain
2161st: Rudd2162nd: Sams
2163rd: Tharp2164th: Felix

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