Schubert Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Schubert Genealogy & History

Schubert is a surname of German origin that is also found in Austria, Poland, and the Czech Republic. Schubert family history shows the name first appeared in Bohemia. It is an occupational name that is derived from the Old German schuoch wurhte and the German schuowirt, both meaning shoemaker or cobbler. The first known recording of this name is that of Richardus Schumacher in Konstanz in 1276. The Schubert family motto is diligenter et fideliter, meaning diligently and faithfully. Alternative names include Schubart, Shubert, and Schuberdt. Schubert genealogy includes classical music composer Franz Schubert.

Schubert Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Abbie Schubert-- --, 1908July ,1993NY
Baldwin Schubert-- --, 1893February ,1975PA
C June Schubert-- --, 1916July 27,1995MN
Daisy Schubert-- --, 1905March ,1981PA

Schubert Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Alvin Schubert-- --, 1916March 9,2002Galesville,WI
Fannie Schubert-- --, 1921June 4,2010Kingston,TN
Gabriel Schubert-- --, 1915September 16,1999Farmington,WA
H Clyde Schubert-- --, 1926December 29,2008Kitty Hawk,NC

Schubert Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Alton SchubertLinda RodriguezApril 8,1967Bexar, TX
Craig SchubertTheresa MchenryDecember 22,2001Tarrant, TX
Donald SchubertRie VogesJune 17,2000Comal, TX
Edward SchubertCheryl UrsoMarch 2,2001Taylor, TX

Most Common Surnames After Schubert

2130th: Rees2131st: Ransom
2132nd: Paige2133rd: Redding
2134th: Earl2135th: Upton
2136th: Scruggs2137th: Dobbins
2138th: Russ2139th: Early

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