Sewell Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Sewell Genealogy & History

Sewell is an English name with two possible origins. First, it could be a locational name given to people who resided in a town named Sewell (or Showell, Sywell, etc.), which was derived from the Old English seofon (meaning seven) and wella (meaning spring). Second, it could be taken from the medieval personal name Siwal(d) or Sewal(d), which are derived from the words sige (meaning victory), sae (meaning sea), and weald (meaning rule). Sewell family history is first recorded with one William Sewald (an alternate spelling), who lived in Berkshire in 1220. Sewell genealogy includes Henry Sewell, the first prime minister of New Zealand.

Sewell Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A Marilyn Sewell-- --, 1928November 1,1996CA
B Wayne Sewell-- --, 1916October 27,2001UT
Cal Sewell-- --, 1882July ,1972LA
Daffa Sewell-- --, 1889August 31,1988MS

Sewell Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Earl Sewell-- --, 1903July ,1975Delmar,DE
F Maxine Sewell-- --, 1918June 10,2003Webb City,MO
G Sheldon Sewell-- --, 1918November 4,2000Brodheadsville,PA
H Boyd Sewell-- --, 1917December ,1986Columbus,MS

Sewell Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Addison SewellJennifer AlexisJune 17,2002Wake, NC
Bobby SewellLori MerrifieldSeptember 4,2000Cooke, TX
Cecil SewellLinda ColeyDecember 21,1968Wake, NC
Darrell SewellJoyce MckinnonOctober 14,1972Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Sewell

1396th: Marcus1397th: Coyle
1398th: Vickers1399th: Bergeron
1400th: Houser1401st: Crowder
1402nd: Crockett1403rd: Coulter
1404th: Cartwright1405th: Tobin

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