Shannon Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest
Shannon Genealogy & History
Shannon is an Irish surname with a few different origins. O'Seanain, O'Sionain, and O'Seannachain can all be anglicized into Shannon. The first refers to St. Senan, an early Irish bishop in County Clare, while the second refers to people working with straw, and the third comes from Seain, which means old. Shannon family history goes on the books with the chief of the last clan, O'Seannachain, noted in the History of Delcassian Clans in 1318. Well-known members of Shannon genealogy include former Cardinals outfielder Mike Shannon, information theory pioneer Claude Shannon, and New York Times editorial board member and Ambassador to Ireland William Shannon.
Shannon Birth Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
A Claire Shannon | -- --, 1922 | November 4,1997 | CT |
Banyan Shannon | -- --, 1901 | April ,1986 | SC |
C Elaine Shannon | -- --, 1918 | May 23,2000 | MI |
D Daniel Shannon | -- --, 1920 | November 23,2003 | MI |
Shannon Death Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
E Jayne Shannon | -- --, 1921 | April 17,1999 | Du Bois,PA |
F Michael Shannon | -- --, 1925 | November 27,1995 | Phoenix,AZ |
Gabriel Shannon | -- --, 1971 | June 15,2001 | Springfield,TN |
H Franklin Shannon | -- --, 1914 | December 4,1996 | Delray Beach,FL |
Shannon Marriage Records
Name | Spouse | Marriage Date | Location |
Charles Shannon | Anne Champion | April 18,1975 | Wake, NC |
James Shannon | Frances Hudson | September 3,1944 | Wake, NC |
Robert Shannon | Annette Warren | September 7,1963 | Wake, NC |
Timothy Shannon | Mary Dow | August 4,1990 | Wake, NC |
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