Siegel Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Siegel Genealogy & History

Siegel genealogy may be either German or Ashkenazi Jewish. When the name is German, it originates in Bavaria as an occupational surname for one who made seals (used to place official wax seals on documents or letters) or who was responsible for the sealing of official documents. Siegel is the German word for "seal." When the name is Jewish, it comes from the Hebrew acronym for "Segan Levi," meaning "assistant Levite," one who belongs to the tribe of Levi and was second in rank to the priests. Siegel family history can include alternate spellings Sigel and Segal, among others.

Siegel Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A Raymond Siegel-- --, 1920April 19,1995MD
Baines Siegel-- --, 1912July 1,1993NY
Calvin Siegel-- --, 1914February 19,1993GA
Daisy Siegel-- --, 1885December ,1977NY

Siegel Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Earl Siegel-- --, 1913December 13,1992Montpelier,OH
Fannie Siegel-- --, 1895June ,1980Roslindale,MA
G Norman Siegel-- --, 1916August 3,1995Manor,PA
Haia Siegel-- --, 1905January 25,2003Canton,MA

Siegel Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Bertram SiegelLottie GurczynskiNovember 21,1950Wake, NC
Joel SiegelJuliet CounsNovember 25,1967Wake, NC
Kenneth SiegelAnn WermesJuly 16,1976Wake, NC
Steven SiegelLavonda DuncanSeptember 1,1990Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Siegel

903rd: Pollard904th: Doherty
905th: Travis906th: Haines
907th: Lake908th: Fulton
909th: Cooley910th: Kern
911th: Helms912th: Holder

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