Skaggs Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Skaggs Genealogy & History

Skaggs genealogy is English or Swiss. The name may be a descriptive nickname for someone with shaggy hair or beard. It could also be a locational name for someone from the town of Skaggs on the Swedish island of Gotland. Finally, it may be a Scandinavian patronymic meaning son of Skeg. Early recorded people with the name include Thomas Skegge and James Skeggs, both British. A Skaggs family crest shows a blue lion on a yellow and blue field transected by a chevron. Skaggs family history in the United States includes a number of people who landed at Ellis Island in the early twentieth century.

Skaggs Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Aaron Skaggs-- --, 1923May 8,1994TX
B Ann Skaggs-- --, 1933December 11,1994IN
Calvin Skaggs-- --, 1927August 7,1992KY
D Ray Skaggs-- --, 1922December 8,2006WA

Skaggs Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Earl Skaggs-- --, 1903September ,1974Portsmouth,VA
Fabian Skaggs-- --, 1902March ,1966Topock,AZ
Gaither Skaggs-- --, 1899January ,1983Buffalo,KY
Hal Skaggs-- --, 1924May 5,2009Elizabethtown,KY

Skaggs Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Bobby SkaggsNeta LivingstonJanuary 28,2000M Clennan, TX
Chris SkaggsMisty PfeifferNovember 24,2001Brazos, TX
David SkaggsJennifer WilsonMay 3,1997Wake, NC
Eric SkaggsKaren FreemanMay 25,1996Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Skaggs

1816th: Goddard1817th: Reagan
1818th: Rider1819th: Shook
1820th: Stallings1821st: Barth
1822nd: Douglass1823rd: St. John
1824th: Lovett1825th: Gruber

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