Stafford Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

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Stafford Genealogy & History

Stafford is a noble surname, derived from Old English "staef" plus "forda", meaning "landing place by the shallow crossing". English Stafford family history began in Normandy, where Ralph de Toeni carried King William the Conqueror's standard, and his brother Robert was the first to bear the surname Stafford. Robert Stafford built a castle in Staffordshire, and his descendants had 80 manors in thirteen counties in the Midlands. Stafford genealogy includes the Dukes of Buckingham, two beheaded Staffords (Devon earl Humphrey Stafford by Edward IV and Thomas Stafford by "Bloody Mary") and William Stafford, one of the first English settlers in America, found in "Elizabeth Cittee" Virginia in 1622.

Stafford Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A Estalyn Stafford-- --, 1920December 7,1998MO
B Jane Stafford-- --, 1917October 7,1996CA
C Dale Stafford-- --, 1923May ,1986KS
D Lloyd Stafford-- --, 1928May 18,2008CO

Stafford Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Hope Stafford-- --, 1917April 16,1998Leslie,AR
F Racine Stafford-- --, 1920July 29,2002Newark,DE
Gail Stafford-- --, 1944February 23,2006Apache Junction,AZ
H Kenneth Stafford-- --, 1925June 2,2003Canon City,CO

Stafford Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Carl StaffordBarbara BaileyOctober 24,1964Wake, NC
Dave StaffordFrances GillispieApril 25,1965Wake, NC
Fredrick StaffordHarriette PeaceOctober 22,1941Wake, NC
Peter StaffordMargaretta DailNovember 15,1944Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Stafford

615th: Kaplan616th: Preston
617th: Mathis618th: Krueger
619th: Gould620th: Merritt
621st: McCullough622nd: Vance
623rd: Mahoney624th: Small

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