Stanford Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Stanford Genealogy & History

Stanford stems from the pre-seventh-century Old English stan (stone) + ford (a place where you could cross a river), so this is a locational name for a rocky crossing place. Some of the different spellings are Standford, Stanniford, Stamforth, and Staynfor. Thomas Stanford immigrated to Concord, Massachusetts, about 1644. Stanford family history has the first known recording of the name as Adam De Stanford in the Hundred Rolls of Oxfordshire in 1273. Noteworthy Stanford genealogy members are Stanford Univerity founder Leland Stanford; restaurateur, madam, and Sausalito, California, Mayor Sally Stanford; and California State University pan-African studies Professor Karin Stanford.

Stanford Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Aaron Stanford-- --, 1909August ,1983GA
B Fern Stanford-- --, 1897December ,1987CA
Cade Stanford-- --, 1903November ,1970OK
Dabney Stanford-- --, 1955January 1,2004NY

Stanford Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Arthur Stanford-- --, 1916December ,1981Horsham,PA
Fallie Stanford-- --, 1894November ,1973Greensboro,NC
Garland Stanford-- --, 1921July 14,1998New Roads,LA
Hal Stanford-- --, 1905May 11,1989Guin,AL

Stanford Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Dwight StanfordPatricia StoverJuly 29,1967Wake, NC
Emerson StanfordKathryn MitchellNovember 2,1985Wake, NC
Raney StanfordVirginia CampbellJune 22,1951Wake, NC
James StanfordEllen PaulMarch 23,1957Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Stanford

1508th: Hoff1509th: Brenner
1510th: Hanley1511th: Keating
1512th: Eckert1513th: Huggins
1514th: Story1515th: Ayala
1516th: Hathaway1517th: Mansfield

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