Stanton Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Stanton Genealogy & History

Stanton is one of the very first English surnames, dating back to Sir Brian Staunton, Lord of Staunton during the reign of Edward the Confessor (1042-1066). Derived from Old English "stan" meaning stony and "tun" meaning ground, it is a locational surname describing living near a settlement on stony ground. Stanton genealogy includes such spelling variations as Staniton, Stannton, Stantune, Steinton, Stinton, and commonly Staunton, as well as an Irish branch in Mayo. A feudal manor in Nottinghamshire is part of Stanton family history, with emigration to Virginia in 1623. The Stanton coat of arms includes three silver lions' heads, symbolizing sincerity and courage.

Stanton Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A D Elijah Stanton-- --, 1922June 8,1992TX
Bailey Stanton-- --, 1939September 28,2008MS
C Dewitt Stanton-- --, 1914May ,1986FL
D Anna Stanton-- --, 1930August 23,2002NJ

Stanton Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Douglas Stanton-- --, 1943December 21,1989Waterbury,CT
F Carter Stanton-- --, 1912January 18,1992Monmouth,IL
G Baxter Stanton-- --, 1920April 15,2008Hampton,VA
H Lucille Stanton-- --, 1929September 15,2007Fort Washington,MD

Stanton Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Bryan StantonKimberly BrogdenApril 5,1997Wake, NC
John StantonDawn ArnoldApril 19,1980Wake, NC
Rodney StantonRobin CreechJuly 31,1999Wake, NC
Larry StantonBrenda SmithNovember 25,2000Harris, TX

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