Steiner Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Steiner Genealogy & History

Steiner is an English occupational surname, from the Middle English Steyn or Steynen and Latin distingere, meaning to dye, though it usually applied to dyers of objects other than cloth, such as glass or wood. A few variations developed, as with most names, but Steinor and Steynor are much less common nowadays. Steiner family history begins with John Stynour, who was added to the Kirby Records of Somerset in 1273. Steiner genealogy is illustrious and includes such individuals as Olympic German weightlifting medalist Matthias Steiner, prominent Swiss mathematician Jakob Steiner, and literary critic and occasional professor George Steiner.

Steiner Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A Irene Steiner-- --, 1923March 10,1990WA
Babette Steiner-- --, 1903December ,1987NJ
Cahrles Steiner-- --, 1885August ,1969NY
Daila Steiner-- --, 1906November ,1989IL

Steiner Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Jane Steiner-- --, 1926June 29,1989Columbia,PA
Faith Steiner-- --, 1898February ,1983Fremont,NE
Gaar Steiner-- --, 1937October 3,2003Milwaukee,WI
Hana Steiner-- --, 1925September 30,2004Miami,FL

Steiner Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
David SteinerDana SmithMay 28,2000Collin, TX
Frederick SteinerMary OstroskiApril 27,1959Wake, NC
Michael SteinerIrma BiggerstaffFebruary 14,2000Wake, NC
Romie SteinerRetha PettyMarch 24,2000Denton, TX

Most Common Surnames After Steiner

1057th: Santiago1058th: Maldonado
1059th: Burt1060th: Puckett
1061st: Corbett1062nd: Hatch
1063rd: Lowry1064th: Dotson
1065th: Talley1066th: Silver

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