Stephens Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Stephens Crest and Family Coat of Arms

Stephens Genealogy & History

Stephens is an English patronymic name; the "s" suffix indicates son of Stephen. First found in Gloucestershire, England, Stephens genealogy traces to FitzStephen, a knight who accompanied William the Conqueror. Derived from the Greek "Stephanos" meaning crown and its Latin form "Stefanus," the name was popular in the Middle Ages, with children named after the first Christian martyr or the 1150 King Stephen of England. Stephens and Stevens are used interchangeably and are equivalent to Stephenson and Stevenson; other spelling variations in Scotland, Holland, Germany, and Poland include FitzStephen, Stefan, Steffen and Stiven. American Stephens family history began in Jamestown, Virginia, in 1624.

Stephens Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A Evan Stephens-- --, 1923January 15,2004UT
B Pauline Stephens-- --, 1925July 18,2005WV
Clyde Stephens-- --, 1948April 1,2010GA
Dabney Stephens-- --, 1900November ,1976VA

Stephens Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Doris Stephens-- --, 1915July 15,2006Bangor,ME
F Azilee Stephens-- --, 1907November 25,1997Kansas City,MO
G Evelyn Stephens-- --, 1921January 19,2007Seminole,FL
H A Steph Stephens-- --, 1904October 15,1987Lexington,KY

Stephens Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Alex StephensLillian BlackJuly 9,1936Wake, NC
Bruce StephensMorris MorleyJuly 17,1945Wake, NC
Charles StephensCarolyn TennantAugust 3,1963Wake, NC
David StephensKaren CoatesJanuary 7,1961Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Stephens

161st: Hicks162nd: Pierce
163rd: Carroll164th: O'Brien
165th: Holmes166th: Payne
167th: Carpenter168th: Dixon
169th: Hanson170th: Lane

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