Stout Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Stout Genealogy & History

Stout is an English/Dutch name with multiple possible origins. Middle English "stout", derived from Old French "estout", means powerful, describing someone bold. Alternatively, Stout could be derived from Old English "stut"m meaning hill, referring to someone who lived near a distinctive hill, with variations Le Estut, Stute, and Stutte. Finally, the derivation could be from Old English "stow" meaning place, which means Stout genealogy could include the variations Stoue and Stowe. Stout family history traces back to Cambridgeshire in ancient times in England, and Virginia is 1638. One ancient coat of arms includes five leopard's faces in a cross, indicating military service with King Richard I.

Stout Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A Paul Stout-- --, 1932May 14,2000AZ
Barbara Stout-- --, 1933February 26,1995NH
C Byron Stout-- --, 1912May ,1986FL
D Lavern Stout-- --, 1916July 8,1999AR

Stout Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Earl Stout-- --, 1918August ,1980Fulton,NY
F William Stout-- --, 1925November 18,2009Souderton,PA
G Nadine Stout-- --, 1923February 23,2004Mcpherson,KS
H Ernest Stout-- --, 1930April 6,2007Palm Coast,FL

Stout Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Charles StoutNancy BurroughsJuly 17,1971Wake, NC
Mack StoutLina SpencerMarch 3,1934Wake, NC
Ralph StoutElizabeth SkaoleDecember 16,1950Wake, NC
Leigh StoutJennifer StrotherJune 18,1994Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Stout

631st: Conrad632nd: Boyle
633rd: Sloan634th: Leach
635th: Pitts636th: McMahon
637th: Henson638th: Weeks
639th: Flowers640th: Gillespie

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