Stratton Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Stratton Genealogy & History

Stratton is an interesting locational name from many places in England. Stratton is derived from pre-seventh-century old English straet, meaning road, and tun, meaning a settlement. The family seat is in Wiltshire on land granted them by Duke William of Normandy for their valor at the Battle of Hastings. The family motto is I strive to rise again. Stratton family history has the first recording of the name as Richard de Stratton in Dorset Placenames in 1199. Noteworthy Stratton genealogy members are gold prospector and philanthropist W. E. Stratton, MIT President Julius Adams Stratton, and Ohio Supreme Court Justice Evelyn Lundberg Stratton.

Stratton Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A Roger Stratton-- --, 1920February 24,1998OH
Babs Stratton-- --, 1909September 18,2004HI
Caleb Stratton-- --, 1893December ,1980NY
Daisy Stratton-- --, 1908May ,1983NC

Stratton Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Damon Stratton-- --, 1922December 12,1997Fresno,CA
Fairy Stratton-- --, 1921January 15,1997Lima,OH
G Colene Stratton-- --, 1930February 22,2010Braymer,MO
H Duane Stratton-- --, 1924August 28,2000Tahlequah,OK

Stratton Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
John StrattonCharri MooreJune 9,2001Collin, TX
Phillip StrattonJana DillmonJuly 21,2001Potter, TX
Kenneth StrattonMary SkaffJune 1,2002Harris, TX
Lively StrattonLinda BaxterJune 15,2002Jefferson, TX

Most Common Surnames After Stratton

1256th: Gagnon1257th: Metzger
1258th: Teague1259th: Bowles
1260th: Voss1261st: Akers
1262nd: Shah1263rd: Daley
1264th: Bower1265th: Smart

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