Sutherland Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest
Sutherland Genealogy & History
Sutherland is a powerful Scottish clan name, originating in the northern highlands county of Sutherland in the days of the Picts. Derived from Old Norse "suthroen", meaning southern, plus the suffix "land", its northern location seems odd, but Sutherland is situated south of Scandinavia and specifically south of the Norse colonies in the Orkney and Shetland Islands. The Sutherland seat was Dunrobin Castle; the chief was the Earl of Sothyrland, with Sutherland genealogy tracing descent from a Flemish nobleman Freskin. Sutherland family history also includes a feudal manor in Caithness, the eastern county abutting Sutherland.� The family motto, "sans peur" means "without fear".
Sutherland Birth Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
A Douglas Sutherland | -- --, 1915 | August ,1985 | NY |
Bainbridge Sutherland | -- --, 1892 | April ,1968 | CO |
C Bruce Sutherland | -- --, 1922 | February ,1993 | CA |
D Ignatius Sutherland | -- --, 1931 | December 14,2007 | MI |
Sutherland Death Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
E Zona Sutherland | -- --, 1926 | January 24,1993 | Bagdad,AZ |
Fae Sutherland | -- --, 1916 | November 17,2004 | Waterloo,IA |
G David Sutherland | -- --, 1921 | March 8,2002 | Bonham,TX |
Hallie Sutherland | -- --, 1884 | February ,1978 | Menominee,MI |
Sutherland Marriage Records
Name | Spouse | Marriage Date | Location |
Brian Sutherland | Angela Harris | March 2,1996 | Wake, NC |
Trent Sutherland | Jennifer Dehertogh | August 6,1994 | Wake, NC |
Paul Sutherland | Christine Fielek | April 17,1999 | Wake, NC |
William Sutherland | Dorothy Stevens | August 22,1953 | Wake, NC |
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