Sweet Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest
Sweet Genealogy & History
Sweet, an English name created from a nickname, is derived from Old English "swete" meaning sweet, describing someone gentle and kindly. Sweet genealogy includes several spelling variations: Ledoux (France), S'ss (Germany), Sweett, Sweit, Swet and Swot. This ancient name dates back to the Middle ages; there was a Sweet feudal manor in Somerset in southwest England. The coat of arms in Sweet family history contains a rose, and the crest an eagle with an oak branch, signifying hope, and protector of antiquity. And not many families can boast of a flowering plant genus in their honor: "Sweetia", named after English horticulturalist Robert Sweet.
Sweet Birth Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
A Evelyn Sweet | -- --, 1917 | April 26,2002 | ME |
Bailey Sweet | -- --, 1894 | July ,1985 | RI |
Caldwell Sweet | -- --, 1896 | November ,1977 | ME |
Daisy Sweet | -- --, 1879 | January ,1970 | WA |
Sweet Death Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
E Lucille Sweet | -- --, 1907 | July ,1994 | Albany,OR |
F Douglas Sweet | -- --, 1919 | June 8,1992 | Canyon Country,CA |
Granville Sweet | -- --, 1918 | June 19,2010 | Pahrump,NV |
H Irene Sweet | -- --, 1913 | July 6,1989 | Long Beach,CA |
Sweet Marriage Records
Name | Spouse | Marriage Date | Location |
Alan Sweet | Susan Bogart | June 20,2001 | Collin, TX |
Charles Sweet | Sharon Gregory | October 21,2000 | Hunt, TX |
David Sweet | Jacqueline Hayes | January 21,2000 | Bell, TX |
Eric Sweet | Rene Hill | November 24,2001 | Harris, TX |
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