Swenson Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Swenson Genealogy & History

Swenson is a Swedish and English name. It began life as a Viking name, derived from the personal name Sven, Sveinn, or Suen, which literally mean boy but were more often used as terms of endearment. The name was later adopted by the English and the Normans. Swenson family history is first recorded in one Osgot Sveyn (an alternate spelling) in Cambridgeshire in 1045. They were also found in Durham where they were lords of the Stockton manor, though they later moved to Scotland. Swenson genealogy includes Elmer Swenson, who revolutionized grape farming by introducing many new types of hybrids.

Swenson Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A Isabella Swenson-- --, 1912October 11,2003NJ
Bailey Swenson-- --, 1907July ,1981TX
C Evelyn Swenson-- --, 1917August 21,1998SD
Dagmer Swenson-- --, 1904December ,1986MN

Swenson Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Dwaine Swenson-- --, 1923June 14,2003Belgrade,MT
Faith Swenson-- --, 1912December 1,1998Concord,MA
Gail Swenson-- --, 1957September 21,2008Auburn,MA
H Raymond Swenson-- --, 1926April 22,2003Indianapolis,IN

Swenson Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Andrew SwensonTiffany HathawayJune 23,2006Wake, NC
Bryan SwensonCorrie SvobodaApril 28,2001Dallas, TX
Dwayne SwensonLarinda ChildressSeptember 30,2000Sabine, TX
Eric SwensonDebbie CowanFebruary 24,2001Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Swenson

1012th: Gamble1013th: Fraser
1014th: Bernstein1015th: Curran
1016th: Bonner1017th: Sharpe
1018th: Block1019th: Ackerman
1020th: Swartz1021st: Alford

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