Switzer Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Switzer Genealogy & History

Switzer is both an English and a German name. Its English derivation is from the Middle English swete, meaning sweet or pleasant, and sire/sier, meaning master; hence it originated as a nickname likely given to older gentlemen. Its German derivation is from the Middle High German swizer and arose as a name for someone who lived in Switzerland. Switzer family history in England is first recorded with Robert Swetesire, who lived in Bedfordshire in 1355; in Germany the family was first found in Austria. Switzer genealogy includes Kathrine Switzer, who in 1967 became the first woman to run as a numbered entry in the Boston Marathon.

Switzer Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A Raymond Switzer-- --, 1924December 24,1991WV
Babehe Switzer-- --, 1955March ,1981IA
C David Switzer-- --, 1920February 13,1997IL
D Clay Switzer-- --, 1924June 11,2002IN

Switzer Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Gale Switzer-- --, 1918August 16,1995Oglesby,IL
Fannie Switzer-- --, 1872May ,1967Harrison,NJ
Gail Switzer-- --, 1928September 9,2002Omaha,NE
Hallie Switzer-- --, 1888November ,1983Macomb,IL

Switzer Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Glenn SwitzerHolly DorstyOctober 17,1967Wake, NC
James SwitzerAngela KromelOctober 12,2006Wake, NC
Paul SwitzerVicki FramesOctober 3,2003Harris, TX
Harold SwitzerDaysha HopkinsJuly 13,2002Palo Pinto, TX

Most Common Surnames After Switzer

2448th: Nagle2449th: Shore
2450th: Barclay2451st: Epperson
2452nd: Marlow2453rd: Asher
2454th: Lieberman2455th: Acevedo
2456th: Hemphill2457th: Libby

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