Taylor Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest
Taylor Genealogy & History
Taylor, an English surname with French origins, refers to someone with the medieval occupation of tailor and is second in English popularity only to "Smith." Based on the Old French "tailleur", derived from Latin "taliare", meaning to cut, tailors are found throughout the world, and Taylor genealogy is found as variations Portnov (Russian), Schneider (Germany), Szabo (Hungarian) and Tailour, among others. The English Taylor family history dates back to the time of the Norman Conquest when the Taylor family was granted lands in Somerset and Kent by William the Conqueror. Noteworthy name-bearers include American actress Elizabeth Taylor and American president Zachary Taylor.
Taylor Birth Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
A Aileen Taylor | -- --, 1928 | August 7,2010 | MD |
B Arden Taylor | -- --, 1913 | December 7,1996 | WI |
C Alan Taylor | -- --, 1944 | April ,1983 | FL |
D Dawson Taylor | -- --, 1915 | December 5,1993 | WV |
Taylor Death Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
E Alice Taylor | -- --, 1918 | June ,1996 | Kokomo,IN |
F Chase Taylor | -- --, 1921 | September 30,2007 | Rochester,NY |
G Albert Taylor | -- --, 1925 | February 23,2009 | Tulsa,OK |
H Arthur Taylor | -- --, 1924 | September 11,2008 | Kennesaw,GA |
Taylor Marriage Records
Name | Spouse | Marriage Date | Location |
Eugene Taylor | Alma Gordon | May 12,1934 | Wake, NC |
Harold Taylor | Vera Powell | October 16,1932 | Wake, NC |
Nathan Taylor | Pauline Judd | December 21,1933 | Wake, NC |
James Taylor | Amelia Mcclain | July 11,1934 | Wake, NC |
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