Terrell Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Terrell Crest and Family Coat of Arms

Terrell Genealogy & History

Terrell is an English nickname with Viking or Old French origins. More accepted is the derivation from Old French "tirel", meaning to pull (as on reins), a nickname for a stubborn person. Another possible derivation is from the Old Danish female given name "Thorold" or the Old English given name "Tyrel", meaning thunder-ruler (like gods Zeus and Thor) or stubborn. In Terrell genealogy, name variations can include Tarell, Terel, Terrill, Tirell, Turle, and Tyrell. The Terrell feudal home (family seat) was in Essex near London; the coat of arms has two blue chevrons symbolizing faithful service. American Terrell family history began in Virginia in 1637.

Terrell Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A Evelyn Terrell-- --, 1915November 4,2000PA
Baby Terrell-- --, 1949April 30,2008TN
C Frances Terrell-- --, 1912September 18,2006NC
Dahlia Terrell-- --, 1919October ,1994TX

Terrell Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Jane Terrell-- --, 1917November 23,2000Providence,RI
F Helen Terrell-- --, 1913January 23,1991Santa Fe Springs,CA
G Gail Terrell-- --, 1947September ,1984Portland,IN
H Stanley Terrell-- --, 1936August 15,2006Delray Beach,FL

Terrell Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Alex TerrellAvalee CannadyDecember 9,1933Wake, NC
Benjamin TerrellVirginia BaityFebruary 7,1953Wake, NC
Charles TerrellEllene TuckerJuly 7,1935Wake, NC
Demitras TerrellLamonica BondJanuary 15,2000Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Terrell

981st: Schumacher982nd: McKenna
983rd: Kirkpatrick984th: Lund
985th: Holcomb986th: McAllister
987th: Britt988th: Wilder
989th: Workman990th: Nunez

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