Thomas Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest
Thomas Genealogy & History
Thomas is a name especially popular in Wales but also found in England, France, Germany, Netherlands, Denmark and India. The name derives from the medieval personal name, the Biblical Aramaic "Toma," meaning twin; its biblical roots determined the Th spelling, as in the Greek New Testament the "th" is a theta. The family motto is "I dduw bo'r diolch" meaning "to God be thanks". The Thomas genealogy traces back to Owen Glendower, the Lord of Glyndwyrdwy and the Prince of South Wales in the 1300s. In America, the Thomas family history began in Virginia in 1653.
Thomas Birth Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
A Alfred Thomas | -- --, 1917 | January 20,1993 | MD |
Bennie Thomas | -- --, 1929 | August 29,1994 | GA |
C Chacko Thomas | -- --, 1928 | May 19,1999 | NY |
D Adele Thomas | -- --, 1925 | November 3,2002 | MA |
Thomas Death Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
E Allen Thomas | -- --, 1927 | August 8,1998 | Bunker Hill,WV |
Frederick Thomas | -- --, 1932 | December 6,1994 | Trenton,NJ |
G Al Thomas | -- --, 1924 | September 18,2008 | Bow,WA |
H Benton Thomas | -- --, 1915 | February ,1986 | Warrensburg,MO |
Thomas Marriage Records
Name | Spouse | Marriage Date | Location |
Edward Thomas | Mary Davis | November 28,1935 | Wake, NC |
Floyd Thomas | Virginia Clarkson | February 16,1933 | Wake, NC |
Gathron Thomas | Georgia Harris | February 21,1931 | Wake, NC |
Harold Thomas | Edith Uzzle | September 6,1931 | Wake, NC |
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