Thompson Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest
Thompson Genealogy & History
Thompson is of Celtic origin and is especially popular in England and Wales but also in Ireland and Scotland; the Scottish variation is Thomson. The name is patronymic meaning "son of Tom or Thomas". The name Tom itself is derived from the Aramaic (biblical) word meaning "twin." The family motto is "nosce teipsum" meaning "know thyself", but a second one is "In lumine lucem", meaning "I may shine in the light". One of the most noteworthy members of the Thompson genealogy is Jesus' disciple Thomas. In American Thompson family history, Edward Thompsson was a passenger on the Mayflower in 1620.
Thompson Birth Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
A Clark Thompson | -- --, 1928 | November 13,2006 | WA |
B Audrey Thompson | -- --, 1925 | August 8,2004 | CA |
C Alfred Thompson | -- --, 1914 | December 17,1993 | NY |
D Alden Thompson | -- --, 1906 | April ,1984 | MI |
Thompson Death Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
Elijah Thompson | -- --, 1934 | June 4,1995 | Somerset,NJ |
F Allen Thompson | -- --, 1929 | April 15,1990 | Granby,MA |
G Alan Thompson | -- --, 1937 | August 5,2000 | Columbus,OH |
H Berniece Thompson | -- --, 1918 | April 14,2006 | Saint Petersburg,FL |
Thompson Marriage Records
Name | Spouse | Marriage Date | Location |
David Thompson | Lucy Mclamb | March 20,1944 | Wake, NC |
Eddie Thompson | Callie Dunn | June 27,1932 | Wake, NC |
Mike Thompson | Macy Fort | July 17,1931 | Wake, NC |
James Thompson | Anna Whitfield | January 20,1934 | Wake, NC |
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