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Vance Genealogy & History

Vance is a Scottish name that is also found in England and Ireland. Vance is derived from Old English "fenn", meaning a low-lying marshy area; in medieval England, the f was pronounced as a v. The name variations deVallibus, Fann, Vans, Vaux, and Venn are part of Vance genealogy, and Vance family history traces back to the great baronial family de Vaux/de Vallibus in Normandy, where they had a castle by the same name until 1080. After the Norman Conquest, the Vance family owned Dalston and Gilliesland in Cumberland (England), and the Dirletoun barony in East Lothian (Scotland). The family motto is "Be faithful."

Vance Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A Clarence Vance-- --, 1894May ,1980TN
Bailey Vance-- --, 1922July 8,1993NC
C Marcella Vance-- --, 1910November ,1995IL
D Bronson Vance-- --, 1914April 28,1995OK

Vance Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Gale Vance-- --, 1924February ,1987Salt Lake City,UT
Faith Vance-- --, 1930January 13,2005Saint Petersburg,FL
G Arlie Vance-- --, 1918March 31,1991Lynchburg,VA
H Mike Vance-- --, 1941July 4,2008Missoula,MT

Vance Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Alphonzo VanceHattie DayeJanuary 21,1946Wake, NC
Douglas VanceAmber YatesApril 7,2001Wake, NC
John VanceKatie EddinsAugust 24,1958Wake, NC
Mark VanceLeslie WeheJuly 13,1991Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Vance

623rd: Mahoney624th: Small
625th: Gilmore626th: Hurst
627th: Browning628th: McIntyre
629th: English630th: Stout
631st: Conrad632nd: Boyle

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