Whitten Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Whitten Genealogy & History

Whitten is a locational name derived from Old English Hwita and tun, meaning white and enclosure. The family coat of arms is a black shield with three yellow circles or coins on the top third, with a silver water carrier in the middle of the lower part, and the crest is an owl. Whitten family history has Magister Robert de Wytton as the first known recording of the name in 1285. Some members of the Whitten genealogy are Crazy Horse musician and songwriter Daniel Ray Whitten and track racing cyclist Tara Alice Whitten.

Whitten Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Aaron Whitten-- --, 1911April ,1981FL
Barbara Whitten-- --, 1929November 19,2005MA
Calista Whitten-- --, 1924October 6,2003KY
Dafen Whitten-- --, 1947April 23,2006GA

Whitten Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Ruth Whitten-- --, 1914August ,1995Columbus,OH
Faith Whitten-- --, 1914October 7,1999Zion,IL
Garfield Whitten-- --, 1900August ,1972Newton,MS
Hal Whitten-- --, 1902March 26,1993Oklahoma City,OK

Whitten Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Bruce WhittenElizabeth CalwellSeptember 29,1979Wake, NC
Charles WhittenRobin HarrisJanuary 1,1999Wake, NC
David WhittenJane EdwardsApril 20,1996Wake, NC
Everett WhittenJulia ChapaOctober 21,2000Harris, TX

Most Common Surnames After Whitten

2054th: Eason2055th: Van Horn
2056th: Squires2057th: Garber
2058th: Nunn2059th: Hitchcock
2060th: Wakefield2061st: Graff
2062nd: Ebert2063rd: Cornett

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