Wilson Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest
Wilson Genealogy & History
Wilson is an English patronymic surname, from the name Will, which is a diminutive form of William. After the Battle of Hastings, William became the most common name in England, from William the Conqueror. William itself comes from the Old German words wil, meaning desire or will, and helm, for helmet or protection. Wilson family history begins with Robert Willeson, noted in the records of the Manor of Wakefield in Yorkshire, in 1324. Wilson genealogy includes such notable people as former President Woodrow Wilson, GM CEO and Eisenhower Defense Secretary Charles Wilson, and Marine General Frances Wilson.
Wilson Birth Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
A Christin Wilson | -- --, 1915 | June ,1986 | WI |
Bloys Wilson | -- --, 1948 | December 8,1992 | AL |
C Clark Wilson | -- --, 1924 | October 18,1998 | WA |
Deborah Wilson | -- --, 1964 | March 13,1993 | PA |
Wilson Death Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
E Adene Wilson | -- --, 1898 | April ,1981 | Newburgh,NY |
Fermin Wilson | -- --, 1956 | December 16,1994 | East Orange,NJ |
G Bruce Wilson | -- --, 1927 | April 20,1997 | Lansdale,PA |
Helen Wilson | -- --, 1924 | July 16,2010 | San Leandro,CA |
Wilson Marriage Records
Name | Spouse | Marriage Date | Location |
Eustice Wilson | Hattie Lanier | June 1,1931 | Wake, NC |
James Wilson | Myrtle Perry | March 21,1931 | Wake, NC |
Lewis Wilson | Lina Faison | August 8,1931 | Wake, NC |
Kenneth Wilson | Joanne Peebles | August 16,1969 | Wake, NC |
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