Winters Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest
Winters Genealogy & History
Winters was originally a nickname meaning "of gloomy or frosty temperament". In Old English, Danish-Viking, or Middle High German, the word "wintr" meant winter. It can also be an Ashkenazic "ornamental" name given to immigrants to Germany. Pre-tenth-century Gaelic Mac Giolla Gheimhridh meant "son of the servant of Geimhreadh", a byname for winter. Winters family history first records William Winter in the Knight Templars Roll in Warwickshire in 1185. Interesting members in Winters genealogy are comedic actor Jonathan Winters, Academy Award-winning actress Shelly Winters, literary critic and poet Yvor Winters, actor Dean Winters, and economist Alan Winters.
Winters Birth Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
Albert Winters | -- --, 1918 | August 16,2010 | CA |
Baden Winters | -- --, 1930 | September 18,2002 | MD |
C Diane Winters | -- --, 1931 | July 5,1998 | CA |
Dagmar Winters | -- --, 1943 | March 24,2009 | WA |
Winters Death Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
E Eileen Winters | -- --, 1921 | January ,1984 | Carrollton,IL |
F Janet Winters | -- --, 1918 | January 8,2005 | Belmont,MA |
G Marie Winters | -- --, 1923 | September 13,1997 | Hawthorne,NJ |
H Alice Winters | -- --, 1921 | June 20,1988 | Denver,CO |
Winters Marriage Records
Name | Spouse | Marriage Date | Location |
Carlton Winters | Patricia Jones | March 14,1967 | Wake, NC |
Frank Winters | Katherine Bray | August 14,1948 | Wake, NC |
George Winters | Mary Farrell | June 27,1946 | Wake, NC |
John Winters | Lura Zachary | March 19,1934 | Wake, NC |
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