Worley Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Worley Genealogy & History

Worley is a locational name found in many places all over England, but the different villages have nearly as many different meanings for the name as there are spellings. It can mean clearing in the woods, low meadow, the ox's meadow, or clearing by the water. Some of the spellings are Woorsley, Werkesleia, Vorley, and Warley. Worley family history has Margaret Worley as the first recording in 1542, when she married at St. Margaret's Westminster, London. The family motto is wonderful in the depths. Well-known Worley genealogy members are writer and comic editor Rob Worley, English pirate Richard Worley, and actress Jo Anne Worley.

Worley Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A Margare Worley-- --, 1914July 27,1989PA
Bailey Worley-- --, 1886February ,1978AZ
C Cleon Worley-- --, 1927November 15,2006PA
D Helen Worley-- --, 1918December 16,2002MI

Worley Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Earl Worley-- --, 1949May ,1970Newtown,CT
F Louise Worley-- --, 1922March 18,2002Maumee,OH
G Dow Worley-- --, 1928September 18,2008Rancho Cucamonga,CA
Hadren Worley-- --, 1911August ,1974Stearns,KY

Worley Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Almond WorleyMelanie HowardDecember 1,1990Wake, NC
Brian WorleySusan ThomasDecember 27,1986Wake, NC
Calvin WorleySandra DenningSeptember 3,1971Wake, NC
Edward WorleyJoan RiggsbeeSeptember 12,1952Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Worley

1162nd: Berman1163rd: Otto
1164th: Noel1165th: McElroy
1166th: Mead1167th: Dickey
1168th: Kraft1169th: Miranda
1170th: Stover1171st: Meredith

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