Young Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Young Genealogy & History
Young is derived from the Old English geong. Young genealogy indicates that this surname was given to distinguish between generations of the same family, such as father and son. Young can also be of Chinese or Korean origin. Young family history includes such famous people as Robert Young, who played the wise father in the 50s television series Father Knows Best, as well as Brigham Young, founder of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, commonly known as Mormons. Young is the 31st most common surname in the United States and the 19th most common in the United Kingdom.
Young Birth Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
Andrew Young | -- --, 1952 | September 14,1996 | AR |
B Anne Young | -- --, 1924 | February 6,1997 | IN |
C Alvin Young | -- --, 1925 | August 2,1991 | TX |
Denise Young | -- --, 1962 | December 22,1990 | NY |
Young Death Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
E Clarinda Young | -- --, 1918 | March 10,1988 | Little Falls,NY |
F Arlene Young | -- --, 1932 | January 4,2010 | Downingtown,PA |
G Alice Young | -- --, 1903 | November ,1987 | Beverly,MA |
H Barbara Young | -- --, 1923 | March ,1991 | Savage,MT |
Young Marriage Records
Name | Spouse | Marriage Date | Location |
Clemon Young | Pattie Pace | August 22,1931 | Wake, NC |
Edwin Young | Rosa Mcghee | October 5,1935 | Wake, NC |
Joe Young | Gertho Hill | August 19,1931 | Wake, NC |
Garland Young | Ida Pool | September 12,1931 | Wake, NC |
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