Zeigler Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Zeigler Genealogy & History

Zeigler is a German occupational surname, from the Old German ziegelbrenner, meaning brick-maker, with the first element meaning brick and the second denoting the agent. It is most common in the south and southwest areas of Germany, where Romans settled and stimulated the home-making industry, which was a big change for the various semi-nomadic Germanic tribes. Zeigler family history comes to the New World in 1737, when Hans Zeigler sailed to Pennsylvania. Zeigler genealogy includes actress Heidi Zeigler and Bills and Giants offensive lineman Dusty Zeigler.

Zeigler Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Aaron Zeigler-- --, 1879January ,1971PA
Barbara Zeigler-- --, 1909July ,1981PA
Cal Zeigler-- --, 1907July ,1973CT
D Virginia Zeigler-- --, 1916March ,1986PA

Zeigler Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Lavaun Zeigler-- --, 1918November ,1985Dearborn,MI
Fae Zeigler-- --, 1900August ,1978Sunbury,PA
Gail Zeigler-- --, 1909May ,1978York,PA
Hammie Zeigler-- --, 1902April ,1988Saint Matthews,SC

Zeigler Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Craig ZeiglerJulia GreeneJune 10,1978Wake, NC
Donald ZeiglerVirginia GoinsMarch 7,1987Wake, NC
Edward ZeiglerEunice WilcoxOctober 22,1933Wake, NC
John ZeiglerSharon TheigeFebruary 3,1998Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Zeigler

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2330th: Tan2331st: Bearden
2332nd: O'Reilly2333rd: Cloud
2334th: Janssen2335th: Chance
2336th: Fallon2337th: Ness

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