Zimmer Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Zimmer Genealogy & History

Zimmer is a German name. It was originally derived from the German word Zimmermann, which means carpenter. Hence, the name likely began as an occupational name given to people who worked as carpenters. Zimmer family history begins in Prussia, though people with similar names are also found in other places, such as Cunrod Zimmerman, who lived in Balingen in 1200. Zimmer genealogy includes actress Constance Zimmer, early baseball catcher Chief Zimmer, linguist and lexicographer Ben Zimmer, Men's Wearhouse founder and CEO George Zimmer, award-winning composer Hans Zimmer, fantasy author Marion Zimmer Bradley, and German radiation biologist and physicist Karl Zimmer.

Zimmer Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A Nadine Zimmer-- --, 1929June 12,2006SD
Barb Zimmer-- --, 1939November 25,1995VA
Califern Zimmer-- --, 1923April 22,2004WI
D Jean Zimmer-- --, 1929January 6,2009NE

Zimmer Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Mae Zimmer-- --, 1922June 8,2006Leesburg,FL
F Joanne Zimmer-- --, 1927March 2,2006Edinboro,PA
Gail Zimmer-- --, 1931January 22,2006Fort Gratiot,MI
H Albert Zimmer-- --, 1927February 20,2008East Moline,IL

Zimmer Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Brandon ZimmerShanelle MccloudOctober 26,2002Tarrant, TX
Curtis ZimmerVictoria HarperOctober 27,1973Wake, NC
Elliot ZimmerMichelle ChaseJuly 1,2000Dallas, TX
Gerald ZimmerLetitia LyonsJanuary 23,2002Dallas, TX

Most Common Surnames After Zimmer

1478th: Busch1479th: Pettit
1480th: Schreiber1481st: McCollum
1482nd: Hurd1483rd: Rudolph
1484th: Duvall1485th: Ramey
1486th: Wiseman1487th: Carlisle

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