Free Family Tree Resources

A free family tree search is easy because it can start right from home! Your free family tree search should always begin, if possible, by interviewing older relatives for names, dates and any information that can lead you to creating your family tree for free. The next free family tree search can be local libraries with historical records, maps and books on local history, as well as the local courthouse. For free genealogy family tree searches, you'll likely begin with some (fun) legwork.

Once you learn enough to extend your free family tree search to the courthouse, you should be able to research personal property records, land records, probate and possibly birth and marriage records. Many courthouses allow you a free family tree search, charging a nominal amount to make copies. Taking notes to fill in your free genealogy family tree is a fast and easy way to jot down important names and dates of ancestors without having to pay any fees.

Making a family tree for free is often easier than it sounds. Many people discover that interviewing parents and grandparents can provide enough information on the past three or four generations to complete a basic family tree for free! A free genealogy family tree can include extended family members as you locate their information, or you can just concentrate on direct ancestors to avoid overwhelming a free family tree.

Creating a free genealogy family tree means taking the time to explore all your options, ranging from talking to relatives to visiting libraries with historical archives to learning about your ancestors through a free family tree search at the local courthouse. All of these provide plenty of fodder for a free genealogy family tree!

Online Family Tree

Once you've exhausted your free family tree search above, moving to online family tree sites can provide access to a large amount of records to help your fill out your online family tree. A popular family tree site that is free to use is Family Search, which is operated by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. They have many family tree sites scattered across the U.S. for people to physically visit and perform family research, but their records are largely available online as well. This family tree site also provides records for many countries in addition to the U.S., so you can continue your search internationally, if necessary.

Other online family tree sites include Archives and the National Archives. The first requires a subscription, but in return provides access to millions of records to help you fill out your online family tree from the comfort of your own home. The government-operated National Archives is a family tree site that does provide limited online access to many records helpful to creating an online family tree. The National Archives also has locations, similar to Family Search, scattered throughout the U.S. so that individuals may access record collections in person, especially those not available online or anywhere else.

To learn more about Canadian ancestors, inGeneas is a Canadian records source that includes vital records and a large amount of immigration records. This is helpful for those whose ancestors might have traveled through Canada to reach the U.S.

All of these family tree sites provide a variety of records that can help you learn about many aspects of your ancestors' lives and roots. All of these family tree sites can be essential to discovering enough family history to make a full online family tree as a treasured keepsake for you and your family to enjoy and update with each new generation.

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