Oklahoma Genealogy & LDS Family History Centers
Like other areas of the country, many residents of Oklahoma have leapt onboard the genealogy bandwagon, in search of information about their family ancestry. To help them in their search, the Family History Library in Salt Lake City, Utah, has established branch offices, known as Oklahoma family history centers with a wealth of research options. The centers are owned and operated by the Oklahoma LDS church and are staffed by a team of experienced volunteers that host training classes and are available to answer questions. The centers are free to the general public, but office hours vary from location to location, so call before visiting the center nearest to you.
If you have any questions or comments about family history centers, please send a message to [email protected]
.Ardmore OK Family History Center
Rte 3 (Prairie Valley Rd)
Ardmore, Oklahoma 73401
(508) 226-2134
Notes: 3/4 mi W of I-35/Hwy 142 Junction
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
1201 Swan Dr
Bartlesville, Oklahoma 74006
(918) 333-3135
Claremore Family History Center
1701 N Chambers Terrace
Claremore, Oklahoma 74017
(918) 342-0101
Notes: mailing address - 1407 Paradise Parkway
McAlester Ward Faimly History Center
405 W Gene Stipe Blvd
McAlester, Oklahoma 74501
(918) 423-3762
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
12915 S Santa Fe
Moore, Oklahoma 73160
(405) 794-3800
Norman OK Family History Center
1506 W Imhoff
Norman, Oklahoma 73072
(405) 364-8337
Notes: Phone is to the Genealogy Library
Oklahoma City Family History Center
5020 NW 63rd St
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73132
(405) 721-8455
Family History Center
9300 N 129th East Ave
Owasso, Oklahoma 74055
(918) 272-2048
Notes: A great help to all who use the Library
Sapulpa Family History Center
950 Pioneer Rd
Sapulpa, Oklahoma 74066
(918) 224-7585
Shawnee OK Family History Center
1501 E Independence
Shawnee, Oklahoma 74801
(405) 273-7943
Tulsa East Stake Family History Center
12110 E Seventh St
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74128
(918) 437-5690
Oklahoma Genealogy Resources
Researching Oklahoma ancestors will mean a comprehensive search for records. Statewide vital registration began in 1908 but full compliance came as late as 1930. This common genealogical resource may not be available for your ancestor. Continue your search by perusing the Family History Library Catalog, online websites and those repositories mentioned here that may have records applicable to your ancestor's time period.
Vital Records Services
Oklahoma State Dept of Health
1000 Northeast Tenth, Room 117
Oklahoma City, OK 73117
Oklahoma Historical Society
800 Nazih Zuhdi Drive
Oklahoma City, OK 73105
Oklahoma Genealogical Society
P.O. Box 12986
Oklahoma City, OK 73157
Oklahoma State Archives
Dept. of Libraries, Third Floor
200 NE 18th St.
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73105
International Pentecostal Holiness Church Archives & Research Center
P.O. Box 12609
Oklahoma City, OK 73157
Museum of the Great Plains
601 NW Ferris Ave
Lawton, OK 73507
Northeastern State University Libraries Special Collections
600 N. Grand Ave.
Tahlequah, OK 74464
Oklahoma State University Library Special Collections and University Archives
Rm 204, Edmon Low Library
Oklahoma State University
Stillwater, OK 74078-1071
Tulsa City-County Library
400 Civic Center
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74103
Oklahoma Genealogy Websites
Oklahoma Record Collections
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