North Carolina Birth & Death Vital Records

State Flower: American Dogwood
State Name Language of Origin: Latin via English
State Name Meaning: Named after King Charles I of England
Admission to Union: November 21, 1789
Source: Wikipedia
Statewide registration of births and deaths in North Carolina was mandated in 1913, with North Carolina vital records collected by the Office of Vital Records, North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services. This office has maintained North Carolina birth records since October 1913 and North Carolina death records since January 1930, with records also available at the County Register of Deeds. Many county registers have online searchable record databases. Requests for certificate copies can be made in person or by mail; online and phone requests are through VitalChek. Historical death certificates for 1913-1955 are available at the North Carolina State Archives. The North Carolina State Library has death certificates for 1913-1975, with a stateside index 1913-1979, in addition to microfilmed indexes to births and deaths (except Wake and Durham) and some birth and death records from select county registers of deeds.
For more information on North Carolina vital records, visit North Carolina Marriage & Divorce Vital RecordsNorth Carolina Vital Records Offices
Record Type: Birth Certificates
Center for Health Statistics
Vital Records Branch
1903 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-1903
Phone: 919-733-3526
Fax: 919-829-1359
Business Hours: 8AM-4PM
Note: Anyone can order an non-certified copy of a record with the exception of birth certificates for adopted persons. Only family members can order a certified copy. The fee is the same.
Record Access Requirements: Investigative searches are permitted, but only non-certified copies are provided. Otherwise, requester must state relationship to subject and why record is needed.
Records Available: Death Records
Dept of Environment, Health & Natural Resources
Vital Records Section
1903 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-1903
Phone: 919-733-3526
Fax: 919-829-1359
Business Hours: 8AM-4PM
Note: Non-certified records may be obtained by the public; certified copies can only be purchased by family members. The fee is the same for either record.
Record Access Requirements: Investigative searches are permitted, but only non-certified copies are provided.
Note: SSN is helpful.
Records Available: State Archives
Cultural Resources Department
Archives & History
109 E Jones St, 4610 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27601-2807
Phone: 919-807-7280
Fax: 919-733-8807
Business Hours: 8AM-5:30PM T-F, 9AM-5PM Sat
North Carolina County Birth & Death Vital Records
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